IBSC Member Center


The IBSC Member Center, available exclusively to IBSC members, is one of the ways we deliver on the promise of connecting dedicated educators worldwide to discover and share best learning practices for boys.

Login and explore!
To access the Member Center, please follow these steps:
  1. Username: your username is the email address where you receive IBSC correspondence.
  2. Password: if you haven't done so already, update your password to something secure that only you will know. On this page, enter the email address associated with your user account (that's the address where you receive IBSC email), and a link to reset your password will be sent to you.
  3. If you need help remembering your login credentials, or want to find out if you already have a user account, use these links:
    Forgot your password?
    Forgot your username?
    (Remember to check your spam folder if you have requested login information, and be sure to add memberclicks-mail.net, theibsc.org, and ibsc.myenotice.com to your list of safe senders.)
  4. Once equipped with your credentials, login here.
  5. After logging in, please review your profile to ensure we have your current information. You can even login to renew your membership dues and register for upcoming events. Refer to Update Profile Tips for additional help.

If you need to setup a user account, please let us know at IBSC@theibsc.org. Or, review these instructions and share them with a key contact in your school (usually the Head or Head's PA)

We're excited about the Member Center! We hope you will be, too! If you have questions or suggestions, please reach out to us at any time at IBSC@theibsc.org. We are always glad to hear from you.

Become a Member

To join IBSC, we ask that you submit a membership application, which will be promptly reviewed. Upon approval, we will be in touch to guide you through the final steps for dues payment and activation of your membership.

Before completing the Membership Application, please be sure to consult IBSC Membership Types and Fees for full details about classes of membership and relevant member dues. 

Apply Today!