How to Update Profile and Add School Employees

Help us serve your school and staff better by updating your school information. Watch this quick video for tips on updating your profile.

Currently your Head of School and his/her Personal Assistant are the only members of your staff who have administrative rights to update your IBSC member profile and add school contacts. If you wish to grant this access to additional members of your staff, please let us know at [email protected].

  • Update your personal profile (My Profile tab, click Edit Profile). Please check that we have your current title and correct contact information. Remember to update your password to a unique and secure password that you'll remember.
  • Verify Organization profile. Please verify and update your school/organization profile.
    • Click on My Profile link to go to “My Profile” page.
    • Select My Organization from the light blue horizontal menu bar above.
    • Click Edit Profile to make any changes. 
  • Linked Profiles: Add and update linked staff profiles from your school.  Please update and add names to the Staff Contact Information List "My Organization" section. This information helps IBSC serve your school better with customized information on members-only research, professional development opportunities, updates, new resources, and immediate delivery of the new quarterly newsletter, The Compass
  • Key Contacts: View who has administrative rights to update your IBSC member profile contacts; they are listed in your school profile.  To change access, find the name of your colleague and change the slider appropriately. 
  • Unlink users from your organization.
    • Click on the My Profile link to go to “My Profile” page.
    • Select My Organization from the blue menu bar.
    • Click Org Members to view the full list of contacts from your organization.  Click Unlink next to the person's name. 

Linked profiles: Adding Users to Your Organization Profile

1. Click on My Profile link to go to “My Profile” page.
Click on "My Profile"
2. Select "My Organization" from the light glue horizontal menu above.
Hover over My Profile tab
3. Click on the Org Members tab to see the linked contacts from your organization.
How to add users to school account
4. Use "Create Linked Profile" button at the top to add additional contacts. Click on existing linked profile names to review and update the information for these users. ***IMPORTANT! Please be sure to use the person’s school email address as the username***
Create Linked Profile

Create Profile Window
In the Create Profile window, enter the user's information:

  • Username: **Make sure to use the person's email address as username.**
  • Full Name: Enter person's Prefix, First Name, and Last Name.
  • Email: Enter person's email (remember this should be the same as the username entered previously).

If you would like to enter additional employees, select Save and Add Another; otherwise, select Save.

Lastly, please share the following links with your newly added staff members so they may login to the system and create a secure password:

  • Create/Reset Password: prompts user to submit email address associated with user account. Within 5 minutes a link to reset the password will be emailed to that address. Check spam folder for the email, if necessary. 
  • Retrieve Username: prompts user to submit email address associated with user account. Within 5 minutes an email with the username will be emailed to that address. Check spam folder for the email, if necessary. 
  • Please ask users to add "" domain name to their list of safe senders to ensure IBSC emails reach their inbox and avoid the junk folder.